Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's better, now. Much better.

And it wasn't all that bad to begin with, the day I wrote about in the last entry here. It was just not as perfect as a normal day in this wonderful piece of land we have been given. Or, rather, we paid for it, but somebody made this desert, and they were good to us...

It was a good chunk of the day off the ranch, and in town. It was a bit snowy, and I wanted to get some gas in my car before we got snowed in. The internet was down, and I brought the laptop to mooch on some open channel in town. It was also the last day to pay the property taxes, so I had to go to the bank. (That's part of the downed internet.)

Then all these things were nipping at me:
Line at the bank. Didn't find what I needed at the store. Laptop battery failing miserably. Gas gauge sinking low. Personal needs. Maybe an itch on my back, too, and I couldn't reach it. Nothing went right.

So it wasn't like I got rear-ended or something. But it was not comfortable. I was glad to get home.

Days later I'm looking at my post below, and realize that my writings didn't get posted, nor saved. I'm adding that to the day that was for the most part an emotional blah.

Today is cold and sunny and gorgeous, and I'm looking at the ranch chores as a wonderful gift to me. Thank you, universe.

 The picture is one I took in monsoon season, from the back of the house.  Pretty!


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