Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer in the Mojave Desert

It's not as bad as it sounds. It's noon, and it's 100 degrees. But (ha-ha) it IS a dry heat. 6 %. Palm Springs is not so lucky. Not only is it some 15- 20 degrees warmer there, because of the difference in elevation, but they have also messed up the humidity level by adding all their golf courses and other irrigation.

I was entertaining the thought of going to the dump today. That's one of the things I do when I feel the need to get out to see some people ;) Well, it just somehow didn't happen. I went to the garden instead, and talked with my vegetables. The county well guys have access through one of the ranch roads, and I heard the engines just in time to pull up my tube top from my hips, stand up and wave demurely. Yes, I was also wearing shorts. In case you wondered ;)

Hope you have a very nice summer!

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