Why is there always a price to be paid for any activity we do because it's GOOD for us? Why can't we just go through what's going to make us so virtuous or healthy or... I guess even... more insightful (?) and then get our "dessert". Huh? Huh?
Say I'm trying to reach my toes while not bending my knees. That's important, right...? So I stretch, and pull my hamstring, and then I'm in pain for the next few months. Where's my cookie? Yeah, after all that I CAN reach my toes. Eh.
Or I go through a heartbreak of one sort or the other, and it hurts and hurts. One day I am "better", and it doesn't hurt much anymore, which is important to know. But still no cookie.
I put in the work. I suffered the pain. Can I please have a cookie? :)
No yoga picture. Here's one of a Cholla cactus - pleasure and pain, I suppose.

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