Monday, November 14, 2011


There are things and then there are THINGS. There are lots of them, and some are large ones. Many little ones are in boxes and bags.

I am a minimalist. pretty much.  The sort of person who does not like to shop. Also, I do not like to throw things away, so, fortunately I have little reason to shop.  I'm happy with my five things.

OK, not five. I have clothes and books and tools. Also, we have a few acres to spread things around on. Not an excess of belongings; easy enough to manage. Not worth writing about, really.

Now, the other half, that's different. The other half grew up wanting a junk yard. Yes, it's the truth. After he got done going to fashion school, or maybe it was to become an architect, he got back to his "roots" and started collecting tires.  Often they are connected to the large pieces of metal that is cars. Those smell, they make lots of noise, and they take up a lot of space. They make dark puddles in the sand where the oil drips. They choke my breath on early morning walks.

Eh. I'm sounding whiny.  So we have over a hundred tires (with attached cars) parked here. I just felt like saying it. There's also a half dozen cats here, needing their own little "houses"s to crawl into and call home.
I make sure the side windows are open for them.

Since I can't show a picture of that (other half might find out!), here's a pretty cat who just recently passed away, and he's happily occupying the house.


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