Friday, November 18, 2011

Little pleasures?

My car passed smog testing!  Wow!  I mean, I did expect it to pass, but I suppose it's like taking a health test and wonder how your life will change and get awful and you have to sell your house to pay the bills and all that.
The car is nice, but it's sort of old, and who knows what could conceivably happen to it.

I'm also really attached to it, desert varnish and all. (That's a polite way of saying that the paint is flaking off because I don't have a garage and the sun is relentless here.)

Not that I mind. The part about the sun. I love that. Especially today when my main means of transportation (excluding my feet and my horse) got a clean bill of health.

Supposedly, now, I'd include something nasty about the State of California taking more of my money than really should happen, but I'm happy.

The car even runs better, it feels like.

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